DB Version Enhancement Release Notes

Release Date: 4/2/2012

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software Enhancement Release with the release date of 4/2/2012.

Applicant List Release Notes

Landlord Access Release Notes

Master Setup Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes

Section 8 Desktop Inspections Release Notes

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord Release Notes

Tenant Accounts Receivable Release Notes

Applicant List

Program Version:

Program Date: 2/27/2012


1. Applicant List now allows you to set up waiting lists for certain state subsidy types. (Case 2061)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Applicant List Setup Form > Default Settings button > Set Up Applicant List screen > Waiting Lists tab > Housing Program Type field

Bug Reports

1. If you saved a change to an applicant's mailing address, the following message box would appear with the "main" and "mailing" addresses reversed: "The main address of the applicant has been changed, do you want to apply changes to the mailing address?"

We have corrected this message to read, "The mailing address of the applicant has been changed, do you want to apply changes to the main address?" (Case 1658)

Path: Main Menu > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicants screen > Applicant tab > Application - Part 3 sub-tab > Save icon

2. On the Applicant Detail screen, the Notes field on the Expenses tab was showing notes for the asset currently selected on the Assets tab. This has been corrected. (Case 2595)

Path: Main Menu > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicants screen > Applicant tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Edit Applicant Details > Applicant Detail screen > Expenses tab

Landlord Access

Bug Report

1. The Inspection Listing page of Landlord Access sometimes included inspections for units that did not belong to the landlord currently logged in. This has been corrected. (Case 2225)

Master Setup

Program Version:

Program Date: 2/1/2012

Bug Report

1. An error would occur when users clicked the User Security button on the Main Menu. This has been corrected. (Case 2365)

Path: Main Menu > User Security

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

Program Version:

Program Date: 3/21/2012


1. HUD regulations state that owner and tenant sign dates on forms 50059 and 50059-A must be handwritten dates, so we have removed those dates from these forms. For TRACS tenants, we have also added the option for you to set the Owner Sign Date from the certification grid, in the same way you have been able to set the Tenant Sign Date. This allows you to set the Owner Sign Date for a completed certification without having to reopen it. (Case 1986)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen > Form HUD-50059 and Form HUD-50059-A

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Hide / Show Certification Details icon > Right-click a certification > Owner Sign Date

Path: Main Menu > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Hide / Show Certification Details icon > Right-click a certification > Owner Sign Date

2. We have added support for MTW (Moving to Work) tenants who participate in income-tiered flat rents. (Case 2158)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Rent Calculations sub-tab > MTW Flat Rent checkbox and MTW Sites field

To use this option, your agency must first set up your MTW Flat Rent Tables (including MTW sites, flat rents, and minimum rents, as needed) in Setup.

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Setup screen > Default Settings tab > Tools icon drop-down list > MTW Flat Rent Tables

Note: You must give users rights to maintain MTW Flat Rent Tables, from the Master Setup program:

Path: Main Menu > Roles > Browse Roles screen > Maintain Roles screen > Occupancy & Rent Calculation program > Maintain Program Tasks screen > Setup Task Group > Allow editing of the MTW flat rent tables

Note: For more information on how to set up user security, please see the Setting Up User Security Quick Start Guide. Or, call Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.


1. We have added a third page at the end of Form HUD-52697, Tenant Income Certification, with certification text and signature lines. (Cases 965 and 1607)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen > Tenant Income Certification

2. For Section 8 tenants, you can now edit the HAP contract end date, which allows you to change the length of the HAP contract. Previously, users could not change this from the default, which is the effective date plus a year minus a day. This is now an editable field on the Main tab of the Tenant Detail screen (in the lower right section, below the Last Passed Insp field). (Case 1271)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > HAP Cont. End Date field

Bug Reports

1. The Hold icon sometimes had problems putting In Process certifications on hold and removing certifications from their On Hold status. This has be corrected. (Case 2172)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Hold icon

2. For Rural Development tenants, excluded income was incorrectly included in the total annual income for the rent calculation. This error also occurred in the suggested rent calculation for tax-credit tenants. This has been corrected. (Case 1743)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Income tab

3. When a member of the household had an Alien Registration Number, the "A" was missing from the beginning of the Alien Registration Number in the eTrans record. This has been corrected. (Case 1681)

For TRACS tenants, when a household member had an Eligibility type of "EN-Eligible Noncitizen" and the Alien checkbox was checked, that member's Social Security Number on the MAT record was entered as all 9's. This has been corrected. (Case 1804)

For TRACS tenants, when a member of the household had an Alien Registration Number and the Alien checkbox was checked, the Alien Registration Number was not being populated in the MAT10 eTrans record, Alien Reg # Field 13. This has been corrected. (Case 1423)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > eTrans tab > Make eTrans Record icon

4. When finalizing certifications, the program would incorrectly create Unit Months Leased (UML) adjustments for URP adjustments. (UML adjustments should be made only for HAP adjustments.) This has been corrected. (Case 2027)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard > S8 Adjustment Wizard

Path: Main Menu > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard > S8 Adjustment Wizard

5. If you printed Form HUD 50059-A for a Gross Rent Change certification, the Previous Unit Number would print on the form. (Previous Unit Number should be blank for a Gross Rent Change.) This has been corrected. (Case 1568)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen > Form HUD 50059-A

Path: Main Menu > Certification > Browse Certifications screen >Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Certification Steps column > Print and Sign 50059 > Tenant Reports screen > Form HUD 50059-A

6. When printing Form HUD 50059 from the Tenant Reports screen, if you checked Print All Pages or checked Form HUD 50059-A, the Print button would generate print previews, instead of printing directly. This has been corrected. (Case 1756)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen

7. On the Setup screen, the Project Number field on the Project Validation tab was linked to the Project Number field on the TRACS Setup tab. These fields should not have been linked, and the link sometimes caused a problem when running the Re-Exam report and when creating eTrans records. This link has now been removed, allowing these two fields to work correctly, independently of each other. (Case 1880)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Setup screen > Project Validation tab and TRACS Setup tab

8. For tax-credit (LIHTC) households, the program would incorrectly prevent you from marking a household member as a full-time student if that member was less than 18 years old. This has been corrected. (Case 1857)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Household tab > Full Time Student checkbox

Path: Main Menu > Certification > Browse Certifications screen >Tenant Detail screen > Household tab > Full Time Student checkbox

9. An error would sometimes occur when previewing or printing Form HUD-52641 (HAP Contract). This has been corrected. (Case 2465)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen

10. The Move In, Move Out, and Transfer Move reports and the Move In/Move Out report incorrectly included deleted certifications and pending In Process certifications. This has been corrected, so that these reports now include only completed certifications. (Case 2114)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Reports screen > Tenant tab > Move In / Move Out report

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Reports screen > Tenant Moves tab > Move In, Transfer Move, and Move Out reports

11. When you finalized a certification for a Section 8 tenant and New to Unit was checked, the system incorrectly moved the To Be Paid amount for Landlord HAP to the Adjustment Next Check amount for Tenant URP. This has been corrected. (Case 2787)

Path: Main Menu > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize Certification icon > Finalize Certification Wizard

Path: Section 8 Tenant and Landlord program > Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab > To Be Paid Next Check field and Adjustment Next Check field

12. For the Re-Exam report, the options for selecting projects to include were not sorted correctly. This has been corrected, so that projects are now sorted in alpha-numeric order. (Case 2269)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Reports screen > Tenant tab

13. An error would occur if you tried to delete an In Process certification. This has been corrected. (Case 2349)

Path: Main Menu > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Delete icon


Program Version:

Program Date: 3/23/2012


1. We have added support for filing state W-2s electronically (state EFW2) in the states of Connecticut, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, and West Virginia. (Cases 2450, 2451, 2452, 2609, and 2810)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Payroll Report Menu screen > Employer tab > Process W2 Forms button

2. We have updated Form 941 for 2012. (Case 1018)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Payroll Report Menu screen > Employer tab > Federal 941 report

Bug Reports

1. Terminating an employee would sometimes change the leave time of the employee record immediately following the terminated employee record. This has been corrected. (Case 2241)

Path: Main Menu > Maintain > Browse Employees screen > Maintain Employees screen > General tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Terminate

Path: Main Menu > Maintain > Browse Employees screen > Maintain Employees screen > Leave tab

2. We have corrected a decimal formatting error in the New York Retirement Information Report. (Case 2354)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Payroll Report Menu screen > Employer tab > Process New York drop-down list > Retirement

3. Form NYS-45, for New York State, was incorrect for Quarter 4 of 2011. This has been corrected. (Case 2263)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Payroll Report Menu screen > Employer tab > Process New York drop-down list > NYS-45

4. The totals for Box 12 of Form W-2 were incorrect for codes V, W, Y, AA, BB, DD, and Q. This has been corrected. (Case 2431)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Payroll Report Menu screen > Employer tab > Process W2 Forms button

5. A date error occurred when users ran the Check Listing report on "leap day" (Feb. 29). This has been corrected. (Case 2616)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Payroll Report Menu screen > Employee tab > Check Listing report

Section 8 Desktop Inspections

Program Version:

Program Date: 1/5/2012

Bug Report

1. We corrected two errors in the Quality Control (QC) Inspection scheduler. The landlord Address and Care Of fields were being reversed, and the inspection was being placed on the scheduler's calendar, instead of on the inspector's calendar. These errors have been corrected. (Case 2233)

Path: Main Menu > Quality Control > Schedule Quality Control Inspection screen

Path: Ten Central > Schedule Inspections > Schedule Inspections screen > View: QC Inspections

2. On the Inspection Detail screen, nothing would happen when you clicked the Unit Information icon. This has been corrected. (Case 908)

Path: Main Menu > Edit/Delete > Browse Inspections screen > Inspection Detail screen > Main tab > Unit Information (blue house) icon

3. If you viewed the Maintain Units screen from the Inspection Detail screen, it would sometimes cause the Inspection Detail screen to skip ahead a few records to a different inspection. This has been corrected. (Case 1952)

Path: Main Menu > Edit/Delete > Browse Inspections screen > Inspection Detail screen > Main tab > Unit Information (blue house) icon

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord

Program Version:

Program Date: 3/29/2012


1. We have separated the VMS screen into a tabular layout and have updated the fields to include all fields from the Voucher Management Screen on the REAC Web site. (Case 1718)

Path: Main Menu > VMS > Browse Voucher Management System screen > VMS Adjustments screen

2. We have moved the VMS Detail Report from the Reports area (Main Menu > Reports) to the new VMS Reports tab of the VMS Adjustments screen. We have also added the new VMS Adjustment Report, which gives a detail breakdown of the summed numbers on the VMS Adjustments screen. (Case 1750)

Path: Main Menu > VMS > Browse Voucher Management System screen > VMS Adjustments screen > VMS Reports tab

3. In the Voucher Management System, we have added enhancements for handling adjustments. (Case 1464)

Path: Main Menu > VMS > Browse Voucher Management System screen

A. When you add an adjustment for a VMS month that is already gathered for VMS, the program now marks the gathered VMS record as needing to be re-gathered to collect the new adjustment amounts. This happens during the initialization process and upon the gather following initialization.

B. We have added the ability to gather adjustments during the general gather process if there are adjustments that exist for the month being gathered.

Path: Browse Voucher Management System screen > Wizard icon drop-down list > Update VMS Adjustments

C. We have separated the VMS Adjustments screen into multiple tabs. On the new Voucher UML/HAP tab, we have organized UML and HAP values under Contracted, Adjustment, and Total columns.

Path: Browse Voucher Management System screen > VMS Adjustments screen

D. We now log which user runs the gather process each time and keep the original VMS record in a history table. We have also added the Create User, Create Date, Update User, and Update Date columns to the Browse Voucher Management System screen.

Path: Main Menu > VMS > Browse Voucher Management System screen

4. You can now exclude adjustments from the VMS gather. You can do this for an individual adjustment when you add or edit it. You can also do this across multiple adjustments by using the new Exclude VMS Adjustments Wizard from the Browse Voucher Management screen. (Cases 2046 and 2049)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab > Check Adjustments section > Add icon or Edit icon > Add Adjustments or Edit Adjustments wizard: Step 1 > Exclude From VMS checkbox

Path: Main Menu > Landlords > Browse Landlords screen > Maintain Landlords screen > Check Adjustments tab > Add icon or Edit icon > Add Adjustments or Edit Adjustments wizard: Step 1 > Exclude From VMS checkbox

Path:  Main Menu > Checks > Check Processing screen > Step 6: Review Check Adjustments > Maintain Check Adjustment screen > Add icon or Edit icon > Add Adjustments or Edit Adjustments wizard: Step 1 > Exclude From VMS checkbox

Path: Main Menu > VMS > Browse Voucher Management System screen > Wizard icon drop-down list > Exclude Adjustments

5. We have restricted the deleting of adjustments, so that you can no longer delete a balance-forward adjustment. If you deleted a balance-forward adjustment, it could cause your VMS reporting to be incorrect. Instead, you must now enter a new, offsetting adjustment, if needed. (Case 2047)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab > Delete icon

Path: Main Menu > Landlords > Browse Landlords screen > Maintain Landlords screen > Check Adjustments tab > Delete icon

Path:  Main Menu > Checks > Check Processing screen > Step 6: Review Check Adjustments > Maintain Check Adjustment screen > Delete icon

6. We have enhanced the Gather VMS and Exclude VMS Adjustments Wizards to default to the month you have currently selected on the Browse Voucher Management System screen. (Previously, the wizards defaulted to the current month.) (Case 2039)

Path: Main Menu > VMS > Browse Voucher Management System screen > Wizard icon drop-down list

7. We have added a warning label to the Payment Info tab of the Maintain Tenants screen, which lets you know when adjustments to previous landlords will create multiple payments. (Case 2048)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab

8. You can now view the full check history for tenants who have moved to a different data area within WinTen². You can also view or print a report of this information. (Previously, Section 8 Tenant and Landlord could not display check history from other data areas.) (Case 617)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Check History tab > Tools icon drop-down list > View Full Check History > Tenant Full Check History screen

Bug Reports

1. We have added security to the Maintain Vouchers area from the Main Menu and to the Maintain VMS Accounts area in Setup. (Case 2271)

Path: Main Menu > Vouchers

Path: Main Menu > Setup > VMS Accounts

Note: You must give users rights to these areas, from the Master Setup program:

Path: Main Menu > Roles > Browse Roles screen > Maintain Roles screen > Section 8 Tenant & Landlord program > Maintain Program Tasks screen > Setup Task Group > Maintain VMS Setup and/or Maintain Vouchers

Note: For more information on how to set up user security, please see the Setting Up User Security Quick Start Guide. Or, call Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.

2. Section 8 Tenant and Landlord had no mailing apartment number field for tenants, which meant the addresses for some tenants could not exactly match their addresses in Occupancy and Rent Calculation. To correct this, we have added the Apt # field to Section 8 Tenant and Landlord. (Case 2245)

We have also added the apartment number to the address field of the Pre-Check Report, check printing, and Direct Deposit (ACH) statements. (Case 2494)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Data tab > Mailing Address button > Review/Edit Mailing Address screen

Path:  Main Menu > Checks > Check Processing screen > Step 7: Print Pre-Check Report, Step 8: Print Checks, and Step 12: Print ACH Statements

3. The Monthly Payment Initialization Report was incorrectly adding URP Adjustments Forward to the URP expense (URP column) and totaling these in Total Tenant Expense. This has been corrected. (Case 906)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > Initialization tab

4. If a tenant still had an active status, but was Marked for Deletion and had a termination date in the past, the tenant was incorrectly included in the VMS Gather and the VMS Detail Report. This has been corrected. (Case 1432)

Path: Main Menu > VMS > Browse Voucher Management System screen > Wizard icon drop-down list > Generate VMS

Path: Main Menu > VMS > Browse Voucher Management System screen > VMS Adjustments screen > VMS Reports tab > VMS Detail Report

5. On the VMS Adjustments screen, the HAP expense fields were missing for Portable Vouchers Administered. This has been corrected. (Case 2139)

Path: Main Menu > VMS > Browse Voucher Management System screen > VMS Adjustments screen > Voucher UML/HAP tab: Other Voucher Reporting Requirements section

6. On the Payment Info tab of the Maintain Tenants screen, the Adjustment Next Check field for Landlord HAP would show adjustments for more than one landlord, if they existed. We have corrected this to show the amount for the tenant's current landlord only. (Case 2050)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab

7. The Billable Admin Fee was not being shown correctly on the Portable Voucher Listing report. It would appear only if the report was run between initialization and check processing. This has been corrected. (Case 385)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > Portability tab

8. On the last page of the Pre-Check Report, Portable URP Payments were incorrectly being subtracted from Regular HAP Payments, which made the report's Regular HAP incorrect. This has been corrected. (Case 1042)

Path:  Main Menu > Checks > Check Processing screen > Step 7: Print Pre-Check Report

9. When marking a tenant for deletion, the program would not accept a Termination Date earlier than Section 8 Tenant & Landlord's current initialization month. This has been corrected. (Case 1514)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Data tab > Mark Tenant for Deletion icon and Termination Date field

Tenant Accounts Receivable

Program Version:

Program Date: 3/28/2012


1. The New PHAS Interim Rule Indicators (MASS) are available in Tenant Accounts Receivable. The two sub-indicators that are now available are the Occupancy Rate and the Tenant Accounts Receivable. (Case 2239)

Note: We want to make clear that all of the old PHAS reports and tracking will NOT be removed from the system. These will still be available to you, even though they are no longer reported to HUD.

A. Setup Changes: In order to incorporate these features in TAR, we had to make some changes in Setup:

A.1. Under the Setup Menu for TAR, on the main tab, there is a new option for AMP mapping. This will take you to a screen that will allow you to attach a development to an AMP (or create new AMPs, if none exist).

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > General Settings, Developments, Units tab > AMP button

A.2. Also under the Setup Menu, under Maintain Unit Activity Types on the main tab, we have added some new PHAS events to track (and sub-track) actions on a unit. Before you run the new reports available to you, you may want to review these and verify that the correct Unit Activity Type is tied to the correct PHAS event for proper tracking.

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > General Settings, Developments, Units tab > Unit Activity Type button

A.3. The last change in Setup is that we added a policy to allow you to choose whether your Occupancy Rate is calculated using the first day of the month or the last day of the month. This date will print on all of your reports, so you know which one was chosen.

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > Profiles and Policies tab > Policies button > Browse Policies screen > Policy ROccRtDt: PHAS - Occupancy Rate - Date for Calculation

B. Report Changes: Most of the changes happened under the Reports Menu. There is now a PHAS tab to hold the PHAS reports.

Path: Main Menu > Report > Receivable Reports screen > PHAS tab

B.1. There are three new reports that have been added to the PHAS tab that will report the Occupancy Rate, one new occupancy exception listing report, and one new report for the Tenant Accounts Receivable sub-indicator. These reports are not limited only to Public Housing AMPs.

The old PHAS reports were moved from the Units tab to the PHAS tab, so that we could keep them together. (The bottom four reports on the screen have not changed at all, they have just been moved.)

B.2. The Cumulative Tenant Accounts Receivable Summary Report is the first report on the new PHAS tab. It corresponds to the Tenant Accounts Receivable sub-indicator This report prints for each month, giving a total at the end. You may select this report to run by AMPs or Developments with a date range so it can be printed for your Fiscal Year. This report can be validated against the Daily Activity Summary Report on the Receivables tab of the Reports Menu.

B.3. The next reports are for the Occupancy Rate sub-indicator. There are three different reports, so that you can view the data in various ways for verification. There are various options for these reports, like printing by AMP/Development, viewing a unit detail or just summaries, etc. If you choose to print the unit detail, you can see if there are any units that are marked as exceptions and need some type of action performed to bring the unit out of exception. An example of this would be that the unit is marked as non-dwelling on the unit screen, but there isn’t a unit activity for that action on the Unit Activity Log screen. A unit activity can be added to the unit to correct this problem. These reports can be verified against the Occupied Unit Listing and the Vacant Unit Listing on the Units tab.

B.4. In addition to the three reports for the Occupancy Rate, we have provided an exception report that will tell you if there were any unit activities during the lease of the unit (Unit Activity During Lease Exception Listing). There are no options for this report, and it will print for all developments. The goal for the report is to have nothing appear on it. In order to “remove” something from the report, you must edit the unit activity in Units (Path: Main Menu > Units > Browse Unit Information screen > Maintain Unit Information screen > Activity Log tab) Here is an example: If a unit appears on the report with a lease effective date of 8/1/2007, but there is a vacancy fix-up work order attached to the unit on 8/13/2007, either the code on the work order is incorrect or the move-in date was not correct. You can correct either situation by modifying the date on the unit activity under Units to be the lease effective date, or by removing the unit activity completely.

Note: For the new reports and for AMP mapping, you must update user access rights, from the Master Setup program:

Path: Main Menu > Roles > Browse Roles screen > Maintain Roles screen > Tenant Accounts Receivable program > Maintain Program Tasks screen:

Reports Task Group:
Cumulative Tenant Accounts Receivable Summary
Occupancy Rate (AMP, Date, Development, Unit)
Occupancy Rate (AMP, Development, Date, Unit)
Occupancy Rate (Date, AMP, Development, Unit)
Unit Activity During Lease Exception Listing

Setup Task Group:
Maintain AMPs and Development Assignments

Note: For more information on how to set up user security, please see the Setting Up User Security Quick Start Guide. Or, call Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.

Bug Reports

1. If you terminated the lease for a non-subsidized tenant, the Tenant Management screen would not refresh after the Terminate Lease Wizard was complete, to indicate the lease was terminated. A similar screen-refresh error would occur on the Account Details tab after you made any changes to account information on the Account Summary tab.These errors have been corrected. (Cases 1274 and 1656)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Management screen > Tenant Information tab > Wizard icon drop-down list > Terminate the Current Lease > Terminate Lease Wizard

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Management screen > Account Summary and Account Details tabs

2. The View Transactions filter option was not working correctly on the Account Summary tab. Future charges would not appear if you chose the "Current and Future" option. This has been corrected. (Case 1946)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Account Summary tab > View Transactions drop-down list

Path: Main Menu > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Account Summary tab > View Transactions drop-down list

3. If you tried to inactivate a customer who still had an active lease, an exception error would appear, stating the customer could not be inactivated. This has been corrected. In this situation, the program will now return a message box, not an exception error, that explains why the customer cannot be inactivated. (Case 2246)

Path: Main Menu > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Delete icon

4. On the Browse Tenant Leases screen, if you chose the Filter: Development option, but left the On field empty, the following exception error would occur: "Occurred in OpenCursor for table RecTenantBrowse: Error -131: Syntax error near ')' on line 6 (42W04) [-131]." This has been corrected. (Case 2236)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Filter drop-down list

5. Sometimes the following message box would appear incorrectly when users were taking payments: "The cash drawer for these accounts is not currently open. Please CANCEL the wizard or select other accounts from the Account Selection (magnifying glass button)." This has been corrected, so that this message will appear only when it is actually true. (Case 861)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Account Summary or Account Details tab > Wizard icon drop-down list > Take Payment > Take Payment Wizard

Path: Main Menu > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Account Summary or Account Details tab > Wizard icon drop-down list > Take Payment > Take Payment Wizard

6. The Section 8 FSS payments that posted in TAR were posting out-of-balance journal batches to General Ledger. This has been corrected. (Case 2287)

Path: Main Menu > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Monthly Processing tab > Generate Monthly Transactions button

7. The Pre-Posting Report for Direct Debits is grouped by development, but the group header was missing for all developments except the first one, and page breaks were missing between developments. This has been corrected. (Case 2146)

Path: Main Menu > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Monthly Processing tab > Generate Direct Debit (ACH) button > Generate Direct Debit (ACH) Wizard > Step 6: Print Pre-Posting Report

8. The Cash Drawer Balance Report was not sorted in any order. To correct this, we have added the Order By option field to Step 1 of the Balance Cash Drawer Wizard. (Case 2164)

Path: Main Menu > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Daily Processing tab > Balance Cash Drawer button > Balance Cash Drawer Wizard > Order By drop-down list

9. If you added a new account type and then tried to create a new register for it, the following error would sometimes occur when completing the Add Register Wizard: "wrong number of parameters to function 'RecRegisterSaveColumnType' Procedure: "RecRegisterSaveRegisterHeader." This has been corrected. (Case 2244)

Path: Main Menu > Report > Receivable Reports screen > Registers tab > Registers icon > Browse Registers screen > Add icon

10. Users were sometimes unable to inactivate or re-activate cash drawers, because the Active checkbox at the bottom of the Maintain Cash Drawers screen was not in sync with the Active flag in the grid on that screen. This has been corrected. (Case 1954)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > Offices and Accounts tab > Cash Drawers button > Maintain Cash Drawers screen

11. The Profile/Policy setups for Late Fees, Refunds, and Direct Debit were incorrectly displaying which Transaction Types were available under each Account Type included in a policy. This has been corrected to display the correct Transaction Types. If there are no Transaction Types to choose from, the policy will use the balance due on account (receivable). (Case 2013)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > Profiles and Policies tab > Late Fees button > Browse Late Fee Profiles screen > Maintain Late Fee Profile Setup screen > Late Fee Policies tab > Account Types Included sub-tab > Transaction Types button > Maintain Transaction Types for Late Fee Policies screen

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > Profiles and Policies tab > Refunds button > Browse Refund Profiles screen > Maintain Refund Profile Setup screen > Refund Policies tab > Account Types Included sub-tab > Transaction Types button > Maintain Transaction Types for Refund Policies screen

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > Profiles and Policies tab > Direct Debit button > Browse Direct Debit Profiles screen > Maintain Direct Debit Profile Setup screen > Direct Debit Policies tab > Account Types Included sub-tab > Transaction Types button > Maintain Transaction Types for Direct Debit Policies screen

12. If you added a Legal Proceeding record in error, the program would not allow you to delete it. This has been corrected, so that users with security rights can now delete Legal Proceeding records. (Case 1524)

Path: Main Menu > Legal > Browse Legal Proceedings screen > Maintain Legal Proceeding screen > Delete icon

Note: You must give users rights to delete legal proceedings, from the Master Setup program:

Path: Main Menu > Roles > Browse Roles screen > Maintain Roles screen > Tenant Accounts Receivable program > Maintain Program Tasks screen > Legal Task Group >Delete Legal Proceedings

Note: For more information on how to set up user security, please see the Setting Up User Security Quick Start Guide. Or, call Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.

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An MRI Software Company